Magazine contributions 1997 - 2000 |
Force-free Resistance due to the Internet The military regime in Burma fears the opposition online, Journal, 3min 40 sec, Sep. 13th 1997, Deutsche Welle TV |
Prospect Hill, Washigton DC An old German cemetary fights for it’s survival, Boulevard, 3min 50sec, Sep. 15th 1997, Deutsche Welle TV |
Threatened Labor Unions The traditional american labor union movement is struggling for new members, Journal, 3min 35sec, Sep. 18th 1997, Deutsche Welle TV |
Cologne Cathedral Acoustics Measuring where a preacher can be heard without an amplifier, Quarks & Co, Cologne Cathedral, 3min 29 sec, Dec. 16th 1997, WDR Television |
Trailing the Quarks-cup Travel experience of a plastik cup through the recyclying process, Quarks & Co, Garbage Findings, 3min 01sec, May 5th 1998, WDR Television |
The plastic cup travels across Germany and becomes Ethanol
What is left? Using a simulationreactor, scientists speed up the decomposition of garbage to fortell developments on landfills, Quarks & Co, Garbage Findings, 3min 11sec, May 5th 1998, WDR Television |
Testing Hand-held Minedetectors Detectors proof themselves under extreme conditions, Quarks & Co, Deadly Mines, 3min 04sec, Mar. 11th 1998, WDR Television |
High-Tech Landmine Clearing Infrared emission, ground-penetrating radar, and a giant plough, Quarks & Co, Deadly Mines, 3min 00sec, Mar. 11th 1998, WDR Television |
Smart Landmine Clearing The multiple-step clearance concept of the Humanitarian Foundation of People Against Landmines in Angola, Quark & Co, Deadly Mines, 2min 55sec, Mar. 11th 1998, WDR Television |
Demining is extremely difficult
Profiling, Hunting down an unknown Killer How the criminal psychologist Thomas Mueller caught a murderer, Quarks & Co, Tracking a Murderer, 3min 38sec, Jan. 26th 1999, WDR Television |
A Girl Murder Special commission Nelly searches for tracks in Cloppenburg, Quarks & Co, Tracking a murderer, 3min 29sec, Jan. 26th 1999, WDR Television |
A River makes it’s way Investigating the changes of the |
Catching Rhine Poluters Polluters are tracked using a net of measuring stations, Quarks & Co, The Rhine river, 3min 10sec, Mar. 16th 1999, WDR Television |
Autopilot Test at Lorelei A new, full- automatic navigation system for inland navigation, Quarks & Co, The Rhine river, 3min 10sec, Mar. 16th 1999, WDR Television |
Autopilot test at Lorelei A new, full-automatic Navigation System for inland navigation, Lokal Times Cologne, 2min 01sec, Mar 16th 1999, WDR Television |
An autopilot system helps the crew to navigate through the cliffy stages of the rhine
How do Birds fly? An artificial bird helps scientists to find the natural wing movements,Quarks & Co, 2min 38sec, June 8th 1999, WDR Television |
Above the Clouds Ozone study with help of a balloon, Quarks & Co, Fascination Flight, 3min 55sec, June 8th 1999, WDR Television |
At 39 kilometres the balloon gets 250 times bigger
Wake Vortices Invisible Danger, Quarks & Co, Fascination Flight, 2min 11sec, June 8th 1999, WDR Television. |
A3XX auf der Kippe: Wie die Konstrukteure des Riesenflugzeugs versuchen, dessen Wirbelschleppe zu verringern, Quarks & Co, Faszination Fliegen, 2‘45, 8.6.1999, WDR Fernsehen. |
Auf der Jagd nach den Gravitationswellen: Wissenschaftler versuchen ein ganz neues Fenster in unseren Kosmos aufzustoßen, Quarks & Co, Relativitätstheorie einfach erklärt, 3‘30, 9.11.1999, WDR Fernsehen. |
E=mc2: Wie in einem riesigen Teilchenbeschleuniger Energie in Materie verwandelt werden kann und umgekehrt, Quarks & Co, Relativitätstheorie einfach erklärt, 3‘40, 9.11.1999, WDR Fernsehen. |