Magazine contributions 2000 - 2003 |
Building a tunnel under the Spreebogen An expenditure to build a new underground traffic-vein in Berlin, Quarks & Co, Germany- rediscovered, 3min 00sec, May 9th 2000, WDR Television |
Journey to the Center of the Earth Geologists discover the construction of our earth, Quarks & Co, Germany- rediscovered, 3min 56sec, May 9th 2000, WDR Television |
400 Million Years The changing landscape surrounding Cologne during 400 million years, Quarks & Co, Germany- rediscovered, 2min 05sec, May 9th 2000, WDR Television |
Searching for Caves, Part 1 Looking for new caves with geological methods, Local Times Siegen, 3min 15sec, May 9th 2000, WDR Television |
Secrets of the Rainbow Why is it colored and arched? Quarks & Co, Daily Mysteries II, 2min 25sec, Oct. 17th 2000, WDR Television |
The Restroom-waiting-line-syndrome Why do things run slow in the ladies room? Quarks & Co, Daily Mysteries II, 1min 18sec, Oct. 17th 2000, WDR Television |
Breakthrough in the World of Atoms How the tiniest letter Q in the world is build using a scanning tunneling microscope, Quarks & Co, The secret world of Quantum, 2min 44sec, Nov. 14th 2000, WDR Television |
Watchers of the Quantum World How observation disturbs it’s own object, Quarks & Co, The secret world of Quantum, 2min 53sec, Nov. 14th, WDR Television |
Searching for Caves, Part 2 An undiscovered cave is being explored with a probe, Local Times Siegen, 3min 32sec, Nov. 24th 2000, WDR Television |
A Mineraloil Company goes astray Why Shell is getting into the solarcell production, Quarks & Co, Energy of the future, 2min 27sec, Jan. 30th 2001, WDR Television |
Nano-Cancer-Therapy Nanoparticles in a changing magnetic field can make precise heat treatment possible, Quarks & Co, Fascinating Nanotechnology, 2min 57sec, Apr. 3rd 2001, WDR Television |
Traveling the World of Atoms Students build a scanner tunnel microscope, Local Times Muenster, 3min 08sec, Apr. 3rd 2001, WDR Television |
On the way with a Bomb Squad How duds are found and disharmed, Quarks & Co, Caution! Explosions! , 2min 50sec, May 22nd 2001, WDR Television |
How do Explosives work? Pressure waves in air and water, Quarks & Co, Caution! Explosions! 1min 30sec, May 22nd 2001, WDR Television |
Bomb Secure How a mansion can be made secure against explosive attacks, Quarks & Co, Caution! Explosions! 3min 18sec, May 22nd 2001, WDR Television |
This 50 meters long tube can produce enormous shockwaves
Biological Weapons and Human Guinea Pigs The history of biological weapons, starting with the Anthrax sabotage in World War I to the negotiations about effective controls for arms in Geneve, Quarks & Co, Anthrax risk, 2min 58sec, Oct. 23rd 2001, WDR Television |
The ABC of Waves A futuristic wavemashine shows different waves that originate in high seas, Quarks & Co, Secrets of tital waves, 3min 08sec, Dec. 4th 2001, WDR Television |
Artifical Waves How the biggest wave chamber of the world works, Quarks & Co, Secrets of tital waves, 1min 57sec, Dec. 4th 2001, WDR Television |
Protection against Power Waves Tests are run in a wave chamber to find out how offshore drill rigs and dams can be protected, Quarks & Co, Secrets of tital waves, 2min 55sec, Dec. 4th 2001, WDR Television |
Inexhaustible Energy Source- Ocean How Scotland uses the sea as an energy source, Qurak & Co, Secrets of tital waves, 3min 04sec, Dec. 4th 2001, WDR Television |
Aurora: Solar wind is important for the phenomenon
Oil pollution fighting How an inventor with simple sponges fishes oil from the sea. Dschungel, 4’59, 12.03.2002, WDR-Television |
Balloon A school class gets over to the German centre for aerospace to discover what happens with a helium filled balloon on its journey through the air. Kopfball, 2’35, 14.04.2002, ARD |
Countdown near the Rhine. The balloons drift northwards
Pupils build scanning tunneling microscope An innovative school project presented on the Hannovermesse nano, 2’54, 16.04.2002, 3-sat |
The hunt for the Q-Balloon How far goes a balloon filled with helium? A chase with telemetric methods, Quarks & Co, Die Welt der Ballons, 2’58, 25.06.2002, WDR Fernsehen |
Special committee ozone searching for clues at the scene of the crime north of the polar circle. The victim: the ozone layer. The investigators: Several hundred specialists, primarily physicists and chemists The trace: ... nano, 5’57, 6.9.2002, 3-sat |
Transsahraflight A seven gram tiny Fitis crosses the Sahara twice a year without eating or drinking. Quarks & Co, the secret of themigratory birds, 4’08, 1.10.2002, WDR Fernsehen |
As a last reserve the Fitis is able to burn a part of his viscera
The trace of the cosmic stone Meteorite researchers get it! The shining track in the sky took them the right Way. nano, 6’02, 17.12.2002, 3-sat |
Space time journey: The strange dream of a historian If he were far away on other planets or stars today, he could look back in time, Quarks & Co, to the end of the universe, 3’09, 7.1.2003, WDR Fernsehen |
Chicken mobile How an inventor wants to revolutionize the free range chicken business, Dschungel, 4’50, 15.04.2003, WDR Fernsehen |
Power trade: On on January 6th, 2003 the price of electricity increased a hundredfold. What’s happened? Dschungel, 4’13, 10.06.2003, WDR Fernsehen. Honoured with the journalist prize “electricity meter 2003” of the NaturEnergie AG |
Household of the future: How the households of the future can contribute to modernizing the future power supply system. Dschungel, 2’59, 10.06.2003, WDR Fernsehen. Honoured with the journalist prize “electricity meter 2003” of the NaturEnergie AG |
Deception or truth? Conspiracy theories: why the towers of the World Trade centre collapsed, WDR special report on to theanniversary of September 11th, 5’05, 10.09.2003, WDR Fernsehen |
The Hubble space telescope: how does a spiral galaxy arise? Nano, 6’09, 14.10.2003, 3-sat |